Cloud: Polo Strategico Nazionale’s ancillary services
Polo Strategico Nazionale accompanies the migration of the Public Administration to the cloud all the way through to the completion of the migration. To offer optimal support for the whole process, it provides Administrations with ancillary cloud services that facilitate and optimise the migration of data and applications.
Polo Strategico Nazionale’s ancillary services are as follows:
- Dedicated 1 Gbps connectivity
- Multicloud and customised services
- Antivirus with centralised control
- Windows and Linux operating systems
Let us take a closer look.

Dedicated 1 Gbps connectivity
The Connectivity service (for the migration phase only), connects the Public Administration Data Centres with the Polo Strategico Nazionale Data Centres. The dedicated 1 Gbps connection optimises the migration process on selected facilities. Polo Strategico Nazionale also provides 2 Gbps, 5 Gbps and 10 Gbps bandwidths. For these bandwidths (for which a project proposal is required), physical access is implemented on Lambda Wave (DWDM optical fibre).
The connectivity service also allows the PA to exploit differentiated traffic handling (QoS) and to implement any-to-any connectivity between the Administration’s locations on each fixed network access. If necessary, the PA can also request shared IP encryption and intelligence between the TIR and access router.
Multicloud and customised services
Polo Strategico Nazionale offers integrated Public Cloud, Hybrid & Multicloud solutions, including through the use of a single Cloud Management Platform that simplifies management.
The Console provided to administrations, which sign the contract with Polo Strategico Nazionale, is also applicable in a multi-cloud context (PSN cloud and PA cloud) and integrates with the Cloud Management Platform (CMP) functions.
The Multicloud services include the ability to add features that meet the needs of the individual administration, such as customised workflows or advanced capacity planning. Administrations access the console through an integrated authentication with the Supply Portal, allowing them to have a complete view of all contracted services at all times, along with their associated consumption and resources.
Antivirus with centralised control
The service offers Administrations a Fully Managed EDR application to protect their IT environments.
The solution provides next-gen AV, EDR and MDR services and guarantees:
- Network Protection, to restrict access on HTTPS and RDP traffic and control browsing content on URL categories.
- Network Attack Defence to protect against specific cyber attack techniques.
- Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) for real-time data monitoring.
- Data Loss Prevention for verifying and monitoring sensitive information.
Windows and Linux operating systems
In addition to Core IaaS and Hosting services, Polo Strategico Nazionale provides administrations with licences for the latest two versions of the Windows and Linux operating systems.
For the Linux RedHat part, there are specific entries per single Virtual Machine or Bare Metal:
- Linux Red Hat for single Virtual Machine
- Linux Red Hat for Bare Metal (2 Sockets)
- Windows Server STD CORE (2 cores)